Unit 4: Basketball
Bounce, pass, throw, jump… lot things to do at the same time. You must be focus in this sport.
The object of the game is score more points than the other team.
5 players from each team always on the court any time.
Guard: is the one who moves the ball from one side of the court to the other. He decides what play the team will do.
Shooting guard: helps the guard and also is a good long distance shooter.
Shooting forward: Usually the best long a media distance shooter.
Power forward: strong player, play close to the basket but also a good shooter from 2-3 metres.
Center: the big player in the team, he plays close to the basket.
Tip-off: the game stars with it. The referee throws the ball and one player from each team fight for it.
Shot clock violation: each team have 24 seconds to shoot the ball to the basket.
Basket: is the way to win points. It’s 3,05 metres above the ground. 2 points if you score inside the arc, 3 points if you score outside the arc and 1 point for the free throws line.
Dribble: when you bounce the ball to move with it from one point to other.
The game is play in 4 quarters of 10 minutes (12 minutes in NBA)
No ties in basketball. If the match finish in a tie, we play 5 more minutes.
Violations: when you brake one rule (the ball goes to the other team):
Shot clock
Double dribble: if you bounce, stop bouncing and bounce again.
Travelling: If you walk with the ball, without bouncing, more than two steps.
Kicking: you cannot touch the ball with the legs and feet.
Back court: you cannot go to your court again when the ball crosses the central line.
Fouls: when you go into other players’ space.
If the player is shooting he have free throws.
If the player is not shooting, you have free throws if the team have done more than five fouls in a period.
With 5 fouls (6 in NBA) you cannot play more in this match.