Unit 5: Handball
We will bounce, pass and throw, the same than basketball, but with other aim, the goal. It is a very good sport to be focus in the teamwork.
The object of the game is score more goals than the other team.
Seven players in the court (six field players and the goalkeeper)
The goal crease is a six-meter area around the goal.
The free throw line is nine meters around the goal.
Seven meters’ line (for penalties throws)
Only the goalkeeper can step into the goal crease.
The players can’t have the ball on the hands more than three seconds.
The players can’t walk with the ball more than three steps without bouncing.
If an attacker player step in the goal crease before shoot, is a foul, and the other team recover the ball.
If a defender players step in the goal crease to stop a player or a shoot, it is a penalty throw from the seven meters’ line.
Dribble fault: you can walk three steps, bounce and walk three more steps, but you can’t bounce again.