Unit 4: Volleyball
Basic sport to work our hitting skills. Each team in one side of the net, this means no physical contact. This helps to equalise the game and play together, even we have different physical qualities.
Net: something made with many holes in it, for example for catching fish, or for sports
Set: your team need 25 points with two points ahead to win a set and 3 sets to win a match.
Point: You win a point when:
The ball hit your opponent court.
The ball from your opponent touch the floor outside the court.
The ball from your opponent don’t pass over the net, between the antennas.
The other team touch the ball more than 3 times.
One player touches the ball twice in succession.
Serve: in tennis and similar games, to start the play by throwing up the ball etc. and hitting it. In volleyball, the player on the back line, in the right corner serves.
Pass or bump (arms): when you touch the ball with two arms together and holding your hands. You use it as first touch to control the ball from the other team.
Set (fingers): when you touch the ball with your fingers to prepare the third touch.
Attack or spike: when you it the ball down, over the net to the opponent court.
Dig: when you slide on the floor to avoid the ball touch your court.
Block: when you stop the ball from the other side off the net.
Rotation: when you change your position on the court, before the serve. You do it when your team win a point and recover the serve (if your team have the serve you don’t rotate). You do it clockwise.