Unit 6: Tennis
The racket sports' king. It looks not easy hit the small ball who moves very fast, but following the correct steps, everybody can do it.
Singles: one person play against one person
Doubles: two persons play against two persons
In this sport, you must hit the ball with the racket, over the net, to the other player court.
To win a game you need to win two or three sets, depending of the category (men or women) or the tournament.
To win a set you need to win six games with two game ahead at least.
To win a game you must win four points with two points ahead again. In tennis, the points are call:
First point: 15
Second point: 30
Third point: 40
Fourth point: game
If both players or couples win four points (40-40) be call it “deuce”, and they must play at least two more points, the first one is call advantage, and the second game.
Tie-break: if the set ends in a tie (6-6) you play and extra game with especial rules (seven points with two points ahead. Each player serves two points). If you win the tie-break, you win the set.
Serve: each player serves for a complete game, one time from each side of the central line to the opposite service box.
The ball can bounce one time, if it bounces twice, the point is for the other player.
Fault: when you hit the ball outside the court or against the net.
Double fault: you have to chances to serve, if you fail both, is a double fault and the point is awarded to the other player.
Let: if your serve touches the net and bounce in the serve box, this is call “let” and you can repeat the serve.
Ace: when you serve the ball correctly, and the other player don’t touch the ball.
Forehand stroke: when you hit the ball from the same side you hold the racket
Backhand stroke: when you hit the ball crossing your arm to the other side of your body to hit the ball.